VenturiMeter: Definition, Parts, Working, Experiment, Derivation, Formula, Advantages, Application & More

Venturi Meter Definition:

A venturi meter is a flow measurement device used to measure the flow rate of a fluid in a pipe. It consists of a tapered tube with a constriction in the middle, which causes the fluid to accelerate as it passes through the constriction. The pressure difference created by the constriction is measured using pressure taps located before and after the constriction. The pressure difference is proportional to the square of the fluid velocity, and therefore, the flow rate of the fluid can be calculated based on the pressure difference and the dimensions of the venturi meter. 

VenturiMeter: Definition, Parts, Working, Experiment, Derivation, Formula, Advantages, Application & More

Venturi meters are commonly used in various industries such as water supply systems, oil and gas pipelines, and chemical processing plants.

Venturi Meter Parts

A venturi meter is a flow measurement device that typically consists of the following parts:

  1. Inlet section: This is the part of the venturi meter where the fluid enters. It is designed to have a smooth, straight section that allows the fluid to enter the venturi meter with minimal disturbance.
  2. Converging section: This is the section of the venturi meter where the tube narrows down to form a constriction. The angle of the converging section is carefully designed to minimize turbulence and maximize the acceleration of the fluid as it passes through the constriction.
  3. Throat: The throat is the narrowest part of the venturi meter, where the fluid velocity is at its maximum and the pressure is at its minimum. It is a critical part of the venturi meter and is carefully designed to produce accurate and reliable flow measurements.
  4. Diverging section: The diverging section is the part of the venturi meter where the tube gradually widens back to its original diameter. The angle of the diverging section is designed to minimize turbulence and allow the fluid to return to its original velocity and pressure.
  5. Pressure taps: Pressure taps are small holes drilled into the venturi meter, one on either side of the constriction. These taps allow pressure sensors to be inserted into the venturi meter to measure the pressure difference created by the constriction.
  6. Flanges: Flanges are used to attach the venturi meter to the pipe through which the fluid is flowing. They are typically made of steel or other durable materials and are designed to provide a tight seal between the venturi meter and the pipe.

Overall, the design of a venturi meter is critical to its accuracy and reliability as a flow measurement device. Careful attention must be paid to the dimensions of each part of the meter to ensure that it operates correctly and produces accurate measurements.

Working principle of Venturi meter

A venturi meter is a device used to measure the flow rate of fluid in a pipe. It works on the principle of Bernoulli's equation, which states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases, and vice versa.

VenturiMeter: Definition, Parts, Working, Experiment, Derivation, Formula, Advantages, Application & More

The venturi meter consists of a tube with a gradually decreasing diameter, resulting in a constriction in the pipe. When fluid flows through the pipe, it passes through the constriction, which increases the velocity of the fluid and decreases the pressure. The pressure difference between the two points before and after the constriction is measured to calculate the flow rate of the fluid.

The working principle of the venturi meter can be explained using Bernoulli's equation. As fluid flows through the gradually decreasing diameter of the tube, the velocity of the fluid increases, resulting in a decrease in pressure. At the point of maximum constriction, the velocity of the fluid is at its highest, and the pressure is at its lowest. As the fluid moves beyond the constriction, the diameter of the tube gradually inc  reases, and the velocity of the fluid decreases, resulting in an increase in pressure.

The pressure difference created by the constriction in the pipe is measured using pressure taps located before and after the constriction. The pressure difference is proportional to the square of the velocity of the fluid, and therefore, the flow rate of the fluid can be calculated based on the pressure difference and the dimensions of the venturi meter.

In summary, the venturi meter works on the principle of Bernoulli's equation, where the pressure difference created by the constriction in the pipe is used to calculate the flow rate of the fluid. The device is commonly used in applications such as water supply systems, oil and gas pipelines, and chemical processing plants.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Venturi Meter

Advantages of Venturi Meter:

  1. Accurate measurement: Venturi meters offer high accuracy in measuring the flow of fluids. The design of the venturi meter minimizes turbulence in the fluid flow, resulting in more accurate measurements.
  2. Low pressure drop: The pressure drop across a venturi meter is relatively low compared to other types of flow meters, such as orifice plates or flow nozzles. This can result in energy savings in applications where the fluid flow is at high pressure.
  3. Wide range of flow rates: Venturi meters can measure a wide range of flow rates, making them suitable for use in a variety of applications.
  4. Low maintenance: Venturi meters are simple in design and have no moving parts, making them easy to maintain and repair.
  5. Resistant to corrosion and erosion: Venturi meters are typically made of materials that are resistant to corrosion and erosion, such as stainless steel or plastic, which can extend their lifespan.

Disadvantages of Venturi Meter:

  1. High cost: Venturi meters can be more expensive than other types of flow meters, such as orifice plates or flow nozzles.
  2. Large size: Venturi meters can be relatively large in size, which can make them difficult to install in some applications.
  3. Flow disturbance: The installation of a venturi meter can cause a flow disturbance in the fluid, which can affect the accuracy of the measurement.
  4. Limited application: Venturi meters may not be suitable for fluids that contain solids or that are prone to clogging, as the design of the meter can create areas where solids can accumulate.

Overall, the advantages of venturi meters in terms of accuracy, low pressure drop, and wide range of flow rates make them a popular choice for fluid flow measurement in many applications. However, the cost and size of the meter, as well as potential flow disturbances and limitations in certain applications, should be considered when selecting a flow meter for a specific application.

Venturi Meter Specification:

The specifications of a venturi meter typically include the following:

  1. Diameter: The venturi meter is designed to fit a specific pipe diameter, which can range from a few millimeters to several meters, depending on the application.
  2. Material: The venturi meter is typically made of materials that are resistant to corrosion and erosion, such as stainless steel or plastic.
  3. Pressure Rating: The venturi meter must be designed to withstand the maximum pressure that will be encountered in the pipe. The pressure rating is typically specified in pounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kPa).
  4. Flow Range: The venturi meter must be designed to measure the expected range of flow rates. The flow range is typically specified in cubic meters per hour (m3/h) or gallons per minute (gpm).
  5. Accuracy: The accuracy of the venturi meter depends on the design and manufacturing tolerances. The accuracy is typically specified as a percentage of the actual flow rate.
  6. Installation: The venturi meter must be installed properly to ensure accurate flow measurement. The installation specifications may include requirements for the upstream and downstream piping, as well as the orientation and distance of the meter from obstructions.
  7. Calibration: The venturi meter must be calibrated to ensure accurate flow measurement. The calibration specifications may include requirements for the flow rate, temperature, and pressure of the fluid.

Overall, the specifications of a venturi meter are critical to its performance and accuracy in measuring fluid flow. The design and manufacturing must take into account the specific application requirements to ensure reliable and accurate measurement.

Applications of Venturi meter

Venturi meters are commonly used in a wide range of applications for measuring the flow rate of fluids, including:

  1. Water supply and treatment: Venturi meters are used to measure the flow rate of water in water treatment plants, reservoirs, and distribution systems.
  2. Chemical and process industries: Venturi meters are used to measure the flow rate of chemicals, gases, and other fluids in various industrial processes, such as oil refining, petrochemicals, and food processing.
  3. HVAC systems: Venturi meters are used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to measure the flow rate of air and other fluids.
  4. Aerospace: Venturi meters are used in aircraft to measure the airspeed of the aircraft.
  5. Automobile industry: Venturi meters are used in cars and other vehicles to measure the air flow rate in the engine and to calculate fuel injection rates.
  6. Marine industry: Venturi meters are used in ships to measure the flow rate of fluids, such as fuel oil, ballast water, and bilge water.
  7. Agriculture: Venturi meters are used in irrigation systems to measure the flow rate of water in agricultural fields.

Overall, venturi meters are versatile instruments that are widely used in many industries and applications for measuring fluid flow rates accurately and reliably.

Difference between Venturi meter and Orifice meter | Venturi meter vs Orifice Meter


Venturi meters and orifice meters are both types of flow meters used to measure the rate of fluid flow in pipes. However, they differ in their operating principles, designs, and applications. The main differences between venturi meters and orifice meters are:

VenturiMeter: Definition, Parts, Working, Experiment, Derivation, Formula, Advantages, Application & More

  1. Operating principle: A venturi meter measures the flow rate of fluid by creating a pressure differential between a converging inlet section and a constriction or throat section, while an orifice meter measures the flow rate of fluid by creating a pressure drop across a thin plate with a hole in the center (orifice plate) placed in the pipe.
  2. Design: A venturi meter has a smooth, gradual reduction in diameter from the inlet to the throat section, while an orifice meter has a sharp-edged circular orifice plate installed in the pipe with a pressure tap upstream and downstream of the plate.
  3. Accuracy: Venturi meters are generally considered more accurate than orifice meters, especially at low flow rates and in fluids with high viscosity or low Reynolds numbers. However, both types of meters can provide accurate measurements if properly installed and calibrated.
  4. Pressure drop: A venturi meter typically produces a lower pressure drop than an orifice meter for the same flow rate, which means that venturi meters are less likely to cause energy losses or cavitation in the fluid.
  5. Cost: Orifice meters are generally less expensive than venturi meters, making them a more cost-effective option for some applications.

Overall, the choice between venturi meters and orifice meters depends on factors such as flow rate, fluid type, accuracy requirements, and cost. Venturi meters are often preferred for high-precision applications or for fluids with low Reynolds numbers, while orifice meters are a good option for general-purpose flow measurement in a wide range of fluids and industries.

Here's a table summarizing the main differences between venturi meters and orifice meters:


Venturi Meter

Orifice Meter

Operating Principle

Measures the flow rate of fluid by creating a pressure differential between a converging inlet section and a constriction or throat section.

Measures the flow rate of fluid by creating a pressure drop across a thin plate with a hole in the center (orifice plate) placed in the pipe.


Has a smooth, gradual reduction in diameter from the inlet to the throat section.

Has a sharp-edged circular orifice plate installed in the pipe with a pressure tap upstream and downstream of the plate.


Generally considered more accurate than orifice meters, especially at low flow rates and in fluids with high viscosity or low Reynolds numbers.

Can provide accurate measurements if properly installed and calibrated.

Pressure Drop

Typically produces a lower pressure drop than an orifice meter for the same flow rate.

Typically produces a higher pressure drop than a venturi meter for the same flow rate.


Generally more expensive than orifice meters.

Generally less expensive than venturi meters.

Overall, venturi meters and orifice meters have different advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on factors such as the required accuracy, flow rate range, fluid properties, and cost.

Types of Venturimeters

There are several types of venturi meters, including:

  1. Classical Venturi Meter: This is the most common type of venturi meter, which consists of a converging section, a throat, and a diverging section. The fluid flows through the converging section, which increases its velocity and decreases its pressure. The fluid then flows through the throat, where its velocity is highest and its pressure is lowest. Finally, the fluid flows through the diverging section, which gradually increases its pressure and decreases its velocity.
  2. Insertion Venturi Meter: This type of venturi meter is installed into an existing pipe by cutting a hole into the pipe and inserting the meter. The insertion venturi meter can be used in pipes of different sizes and materials.
  3. Annular Venturi Meter: This type of venturi meter consists of two concentric tubes, with the fluid flowing through the annular space between the tubes. The annular venturi meter is used for measuring the flow of fluids with high solid content, such as slurries.
  4. Short Venturi Meter: This type of venturi meter is a shorter version of the classical venturi meter, which is used in applications where space is limited.
  5. Low Flow Venturi Meter: This type of venturi meter is used for measuring low flow rates, typically less than 1 gallon per minute.
  6. Multiport Venturi Meter: This type of venturi meter has multiple ports for measuring the flow of fluids at different locations along the meter. The multiport venturi meter is used for measuring the flow of fluids in large pipes.

Each type of venturi meter is designed to meet specific application requirements, such as flow rate, pipe size, and fluid type. The selection of the appropriate type of venturi meter is important to ensure accurate and reliable measurement of fluid flow.

Codes and Standards of Venturi meter

There are several codes and standards related to the design, installation, and use of venturi meters, including:

  1. ASME MFC-14M: This standard provides guidelines for the design, installation, calibration, and operation of venturi meters for single-phase fluids.
  2. ISO 5167: This international standard specifies the requirements for orifice plates, nozzles, and venturi tubes used for flow measurement.
  3. API MPMS Chapter 5.3: This standard provides guidelines for the installation and use of venturi meters in the petroleum industry.
  4. ASTM D3385: This standard provides guidelines for the calibration and operation of venturi meters for measuring the flow rate of liquids.
  5. AGA Report No. 3: This report provides guidelines for the design, installation, and calibration of venturi meters for natural gas flow measurement.
  6. ANSI/HI 9.6.7: This standard provides guidelines for the installation and operation of venturi meters for water flow measurement.

Compliance with these codes and standards is important to ensure the accuracy and reliability of venturi meter measurements. It is recommended that users consult the relevant standards and guidelines when selecting, installing, and using venturi meters.

Venturi Meter Derivation or Experiment:

The derivation of the venturi meter equation can be based on the Bernoulli's equation, which states that the total energy of a fluid flowing through a pipe is conserved between two points. The Bernoulli's equation can be expressed as follows:

P1 + 0.5ρV1^2 + ρgh1 = P2 + 0.5ρV2^2 + ρgh2

where P1 and P2 are the pressures at points 1 and 2, respectively; ρ is the density of the fluid; V1 and V2 are the velocities of the fluid at points 1 and 2, respectively; h1 and h2 are the heights of the fluid at points 1 and 2, respectively; and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Assuming that the flow is incompressible and that there are no losses due to friction or other factors, the Bernoulli's equation can be simplified as:

P1 + 0.5ρV1^2 = P2 + 0.5ρV2^2

Now consider a venturi meter with a converging section, throat, and diverging section as described in the previous answer. Let the diameter of the pipe before the constriction (at point 1) be D1, and the diameter of the pipe at the throat (at point 2) be D2. Let the fluid density be ρ and the fluid velocity at point 1 be V1.

At point 1, the pressure is P1 and the velocity is V1. At point 2, the pressure is P2 and the velocity is V2. Since the fluid is incompressible, the mass flow rate, ρAV, must be constant along the pipe, where A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe. Therefore, the mass flow rate at point 1 is the same as the mass flow rate at point 2, and can be written as:

ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2

where A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional areas of the pipe at points 1 and 2, respectively.

Using the continuity equation, A1V1 = A2V2, we can simplify the above equation as:

V1 = (A2/A1)V2

Substituting this equation into the Bernoulli's equation, we get:

P1 + 0.5ρV1^2 = P2 + 0.5ρV2^2

P1 + 0.5ρ(A2/A1)^2V2^2 = P2 + 0.5ρV2^2

Simplifying this equation gives:

ΔP = P1 - P2 = 0.5ρ(V2^2 - (A1/A2)^2V2^2)

ΔP = 0.5ρV2^2(1 - (A1/A2)^2)

The venturi meter equation is derived from the above equation as:

Q = A2V2 = A1V1 = A1(A2/A1)V2 = A1A2(1 - (A1/A2)^2)^0.5V2

where Q is the volumetric flow rate of the fluid.

Therefore, the flow rate through the venturi meter can be calculated based on the pressure difference and the dimensions of the meter. The venturi meter equation is widely used in practice and is considered a reliable and accurate method for flow measurement.

Venturi Meter Formula:

The Venturi meter is a device used to measure the flow rate of a fluid in a pipe by measuring the pressure difference created by a constriction in the pipe. The formula for the Venturi meter is:

Q = A1V1 = A2V2

where: Q = flow rate of fluid in the pipe (m³/s) A1 = cross-sectional area of the pipe before the constriction (m²) A2 = cross-sectional area of the pipe at the point of constriction (m²) V1 = fluid velocity before the constriction (m/s) V2 = fluid velocity at the point of constriction (m/s)

In addition, the pressure difference created by the constriction can be calculated using the Bernoulli's equation:

P1 + 0.5ρV1² + ρgh1 = P2 + 0.5ρV2² + ρgh2

where: P1 = pressure before the constriction (Pa) P2 = pressure at the point of constriction (Pa) ρ = density of the fluid (kg/m³) V1 = fluid velocity before the constriction (m/s) V2 = fluid velocity at the point of constriction (m/s) g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²) h1 = height of the fluid before the constriction (m) h2 = height of the fluid at the point of constriction (m)

By measuring the pressure difference between the two points, the flow rate of the fluid can be calculated using the Venturi meter formula.

Venturimeter Equations

The Venturi meter is a device used to measure the flow rate of a fluid in a pipe by measuring the pressure difference created by a constriction in the pipe. Here are the equations used in a Venturi meter:

  1. Continuity equation:

The continuity equation states that the mass flow rate of the fluid in the pipe is constant at any point along the pipe. Therefore, the mass flow rate before and after the constriction is the same. The equation is:

ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2

where: ρ1 = density of fluid before the constriction (kg/m³) A1 = cross-sectional area of the pipe before the constriction (m²) V1 = fluid velocity before the constriction (m/s) ρ2 = density of fluid after the constriction (kg/m³) A2 = cross-sectional area of the pipe at the point of constriction (m²) V2 = fluid velocity at the point of constriction (m/s)

  1. Bernoulli's equation:

The Bernoulli's equation relates the pressure, velocity, and elevation of the fluid in a pipe. The equation is:

P1 + 0.5ρV1² + ρgh1 = P2 + 0.5ρV2² + ρgh2

where: P1 = pressure before the constriction (Pa) P2 = pressure at the point of constriction (Pa) ρ = density of the fluid (kg/m³) V1 = fluid velocity before the constriction (m/s) V2 = fluid velocity at the point of constriction (m/s) g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²) h1 = height of the fluid before the constriction (m) h2 = height of the fluid at the point of constriction (m)

  1. Venturi meter equation:

The Venturi meter equation relates the pressure difference created by the constriction in the pipe to the flow rate of the fluid. The equation is:

Q = A2V2 = A1V1 = C_dA1√(2gh)

where: Q = flow rate of fluid in the pipe (m³/s) A1 = cross-sectional area of the pipe before the constriction (m²) A2 = cross-sectional area of the pipe at the point of constriction (m²) V1 = fluid velocity before the constriction (m/s) V2 = fluid velocity at the point of constriction (m/s) C_d = discharge coefficient (dimensionless) g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²) h = pressure difference created by the constriction (m)

The discharge coefficient is a constant that takes into account the friction and turbulence losses in the pipe, and is determined experimentally.

Coefficient of Discharge of Venturimeter (Cd)

The coefficient of discharge (Cd) of a venturi meter is a dimensionless parameter that relates the actual flow rate of fluid through the meter to the theoretical flow rate based on the meter's geometry and the pressure difference across the meter. Cd is defined as the ratio of the actual discharge coefficient (Cd') to the theoretical discharge coefficient (Cd0):

Cd = Cd' / Cd0

The theoretical discharge coefficient (Cd0) is calculated based on the geometry of the venturi meter and the properties of the fluid being measured, assuming that the flow is fully developed, incompressible, and free from turbulence and viscous effects. Cd' is the actual discharge coefficient, which takes into account any deviations from ideal conditions due to factors such as installation effects, fluid properties, and flow conditions.

The value of Cd for a venturi meter depends on several factors, including the meter's geometry, the Reynolds number of the fluid flow, the fluid properties, and the installation conditions. Cd values are typically determined experimentally by calibrating the meter against a standard flow measurement device or by using published Cd values for similar meters under similar conditions.

The Cd value is an important parameter in the use of venturi meters for flow measurement, as it directly affects the accuracy of the meter's measurements.

Installation of a Venturi meter

The installation of a venturi meter typically involves the following steps:

  1. Select the appropriate location for the meter: The meter should be installed in a section of the pipe where the flow is fully developed and the flow velocity is uniform. The meter should be installed in a straight section of pipe, with a recommended minimum upstream straight length of 10 pipe diameters and a downstream length of 5 pipe diameters.
  2. Prepare the pipe: The pipe should be cleaned and inspected for any defects or obstructions that could affect the flow measurement. Any valves, reducers or elbows should be installed downstream of the venturi meter to avoid disturbances to the flow.
  3. Install the venturi meter: The meter should be installed with the inlet section facing upstream and the throat section positioned in the center of the pipe. The meter should be securely fixed in place with flanges or welded connections. The meter should be aligned with the pipe axis and leveled to ensure accurate measurement.
  4. Install pressure taps: Pressure taps should be installed upstream and downstream of the venturi meter at the recommended distances. The taps should be perpendicular to the pipe axis and located at the same height as the center of the venturi meter throat.
  5. Connect the pressure transducers: Pressure transducers should be installed on the pressure taps and connected to a flow measurement device or data logger. The transducers should be calibrated and verified to ensure accurate pressure readings.
  6. Verify the installation: The installation should be verified by conducting a flow test with a reference flow meter or using a standard calibration procedure. The results should be compared to the expected values for the flow rate and the coefficient of discharge, and any deviations should be investigated and corrected.

Proper installation of a venturi meter is critical to obtaining accurate flow measurements. The installation should be carried out by qualified personnel following the manufacturer's instructions and relevant standards and guidelines.

Venturi meter Upstream and Downstream Pipe Straight Leg Requirement

The requirements for upstream and downstream straight leg lengths for a venturi meter depend on the specific meter design and the flow conditions. However, in general, a minimum of 10 diameters of straight pipe length upstream of the meter and 5 diameters downstream of the meter are recommended.

VenturiMeter: Definition, Parts, Working, Experiment, Derivation, Formula, Advantages, Application & More

The upstream straight length is required to ensure that the flow is fully developed and the velocity profile is uniform before the fluid enters the venturi meter. The downstream straight length is needed to allow the flow to recover to its original velocity and pressure profile after passing through the meter.

The upstream and downstream straight lengths can be affected by factors such as pipe geometry, fluid properties, and installation conditions. For example, if the pipe is not straight or has obstructions or bends, longer straight lengths may be required to ensure an accurate measurement. Similarly, if the fluid is highly viscous or contains particulates, longer straight lengths may be needed to allow the flow to fully develop and recover.

It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and relevant standards and guidelines for the installation of the venturi meter, including the required upstream and downstream straight lengths. Deviations from these requirements can lead to inaccurate flow measurements and reduced meter performance.

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